
“Any increase that I can bring upon myself or upon things is translated into some increase in my power to love and some progress in Christ’s blessed hold upon the universe. Our work appears to us, in the main, as a way of earning our daily bread. But its essential virtue is on a higher level: through it we complete in ourselves the subject of the divine union; and through it again we somehow make to grow in stature the divine term of the one with whom we are united, our Lord Jesus Christ.” (p.63) Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. (1965). The Divine Milieu. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers.

The Catholic Eye is one of two blogs of the Lampstand Foundation, the other is Lampstand Foundation Blog. Lampstand is  a Catholic apostolate working for the reformation of criminals.

Our work involves developing leadership tools for reformed criminals to develop and manage criminal reformation programs.

A central part of those tools are the books written by our founder, David H. Lukenbill, published annually, which are free to members or available for purchase at Amazon:

The Lampstand Foundation is a 501 c (3) Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation founded by David H. Lukenbill in September 2003 in Sacramento, California: Federal ID# 20-0352634.

David H. Lukenbill, Founder/President
The Lampstand Foundation
P.O. Box 254794
Sacramento, California 95865-4794

email: Dlukenbill@msn.com


Student: $10.00
Individual: $25.00
Family: $40.00
Apostolate: $50.00
Supporter: $75.00
Nonprofit Organization: $100.00
Business: $200.00
Corporate Patron: $500.00
Lifetime: $1,000.00
Foundation: $1,500.00


Annual Research Report, Quarterly Newsletter, Monthly E-Letter, Periodic Monographs, and annual books from Chulu Press (New members who join at the Supporter level or above will receive all of our previously published paperback books in one shipment).

Our Vision

Inspiring criminals who have transformed their lives, secured college degrees, and returned home to Rome; to show others the transformative path, and how the pain of suffering can become the power of teaching.

Our Mission

To transform the repentant criminal, suffering from his distance from God, into a deep knowledge leader who can teach other criminals the path to redemption through the Catholic Church.

Our Core Beliefs

Suffering transformed builds souls. Just as the muscle tissue tearing that leads to greater physical muscle growth resulting from body building, suffering is soul tearing which, through redemption, allows soul growth.

1) Deep knowledge leadership—college-educated, transformed criminals, professionally trained to manage criminal transformative organizations—will dramatically improve the effectiveness of criminal transformation.

2) Catholic social thought forms the intellectual and spiritual foundation of criminal transformation.

3) Grassroots criminal transformation organizations need ongoing access to capacity building services.

4) Business and professional leadership, working to create community social capital through the transformation of criminals, will benefit from gaining knowledge about Catholic social thought.

Our Goals

We want to facilitate the leadership development of penitential criminals whose personal transformation, education, and reconciliation or conversion to Catholicism has inspired them to seek graduate degrees, professional organizational training, social teaching training, and assume a leadership role in the community helping other criminals transform their lives.

1) To inspire educated and transformed criminals who are baptized Catholics and want to help others, gain a graduate college education and professional training.

2) To provide capacity building tools to criminal transforming organizations about Catholic social teaching, start-up planning, strategic planning, fund development, board development, communications & marketing, and for profit business development.

3) To educate the business and professional community about the leadership capability of educated, transformed criminals and the use of Catholic social teaching as a transformative tool.

We have published a book—a hard-copy version of our previous website but with additional information—explaining the work of Lampstand in much more detail and it is available at Amazon.

Evaluating Rehabilitation Programs

We keep an ongoing record of evaluations of rehabilitation programs that fail, and even, in some cases, make the clients worse criminals. It is here.


2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Sr. Mary Jane Simmons said:

    I would like to speak to Lampstand Foundation about donating books to prison ministries. My religious community is interested in sending gently-used spirituality books (ranging from classical spirituality to books from recent quality authors) to be used by chaplains or librarians in correctional institutions.Could someone call me? I would give you my phone number after we are connected through email. Thank you. Sr. Mary Jane

  2. Hi David, thank you for your Foundation and for following and citing my blog.
    May the good Lord bless you for your work.
    And a very Blessed Christmas to you and your co-workers in Christ, the Baby Lord who came to save us all, especially those prisoners you help.

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